Monday, June 20, 2011

A barking cat - Conspiracy in the animal kingdom

The next time you hear a "dog" bark and think to yourself... "stupid noisy dog"... think again....

Apparently, the cats are now fighting a psychological war with the dogs by imitating their barks, creating fights between dogs and making humans find dogs extremely noisy and hence, annoying...

Or perhaps this is some kind of a secret agent cat, attempting to use a hacking method known as social engineering, to steal information from within the dog network.

Or worst... this cat could be conspiring with the dogs... it has learnt the dog language and has infiltrated the cat kingdom to become part of the dog world's secret agent... stealing important information to help the dog take over the cat kingdom in time to come.... Although he/she was caught passing messages to the dog, no one knows what message was passed....

We'll need to train a parrot to bark/meow soon, so the parrot can relay the information back to us in human language.... Otherwise it'll be too late for us to stop the deadly animal wars that might transpire soon....

Whatever it is, there is something fishy going on in the animal kingdom... and the cats are smelling it fast...

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